Remember this colorfully charming Sun Catcher from Erin Barnes,
the runner up winner of the Color My Summer Contest?
Well…her tutorial is hot and ready…get it? Because you bake the cups…ah never mind. 馃檪
I love, love that this project uses used plastic cups. They can only be rewashed so many times before they start cracking. This is a much more fun and beautiful way to reuse them this summer.
It has also given me great inspiration to use #6 plastic as a substitute for shrinky dink plastic. Who knew? Thanks for this very inspiring, and green project Erin! Your win was much deserved!
Head on over to see Life in the Nuthouse {isn’t that a great blog name?} for the very helpful and detailed how to.
And have a lovely day!
Tahnk you so much for your comment – I basically made it like this tutorial
only made sure it was big enough for the loop.
so fun!