Have you been wanting to learn how to crochet but don’t know where to start?

I have eight easy videos and resources that can help!
Last year, I started creating a video tutorial series called: Crochet Basics.

It breaks down the crochet process in clear, thorough terms. The first video shows you different ways to hold your hook, how to tie a slip knot, and how to work the most foundational skill: how to chain….the VERY basics.

Then we make something cute and useful with the new skills you learn so you don’t feel like you are just making something for nothing. Each and every lesson follows that same formula of learning a basic crochet skill and then making something useful and FUN!… because I want you to stay motivated to keep creating and keep crocheting!

To get the most out of the videos, reading the written companion posts is highly recommended. They include more clarifying details and information that may answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to email me or dm me on instagram. My email is [email protected] and @delicreates on instagram. I want to cheer you on and help you to succeed!
Let’s get started, shall we?
What you need:
Go to THIS POST for a full list of what you need to get started.
Lesson One: How to Chain Stitch (and hold a hook)

If you read any of the written posts, this is the one to read. It will break down hook size, types of yarn, and how to read a pattern. We will also make a yarn “ribbon” you can use to make a plant cozy, wrap a present and more!

Lesson Two: How to Single Crochet

You will learn how to single crochet in rows and then make a cute little bow. You can use ANY size hook and ANY size yarn for this project.
Lesson Three: How to Double Crochet

Yep…we are going to jump right into making a scarf. You can do this! It’s like a really big un-cinched bow but worked in double crochet stitches.
Lesson Four: How to Half Double Crochet

Sounds like we’re taking a half step backwards and we kind of are. Once you know how to double crochet, you can make one tiny tweak and half double crochet too. And yes….we are going to make a hat! If you can crochet a scarf, you can totally make this hat.

Lesson Five: Learn How To Crochet in the Round

In this lesson, which is actually THREE lessons, we are going to level things up. If you feel confident in double crocheting though, this next step will be more exciting than hard. Crocheting in the round opens you up to the basic skills you will need for more difficult stitches and projects.
I’ll show you three ways to work in the round:
How to increase and make a beanie.

How to increase AND decrease to make a beret.

How to increase, skip stitches to make a handle, and make a basket.

Once you get through lesson five, you have learned the basics of what you need to start almost any new crochet project or new stitch.

I also have a very useful alternative way to join skeins of yarn here. It’s called the magic knot!
If you need more videos to keep you practicing:

This bubble puff garland is a great beginner project that uses up any yarn scraps you may have from other projects. It works with any size yarn and any size hook and can be done even if you have only gotten through lesson three.
This cardigan is beginner friendly. If you can crochet a rectangle, you can make this cardigan!


My Triangle Shawl Scarf pattern is the perfect next step. It uses only the stitches covered in my crochet basics series but then adds simple tweaks to them so that you can create a mesh texture and raised texture. I walk you through each tweak and stitch in the video, just in case you need a refresher.

If you REALLY want to level up, check out this crochet cable video. Crocheting cables is probably my favorite crochet skill because it’s so satisfying and the repeating stitch patterns eliminate the need for counting.

For even more free crochet patterns and project ideas check out my crochet gallery: CLICK HERE.

This is so awesome! I’m looking forward to learning, yanks for sharing!
Loved your work!Congrats!
Thank you!
I love your work, it is so easy to follow your instructions. Do you have patterns that is down loadable
Thank you Gloria. I have some ad free, downloadable versions of my patterns for sale in my shop. I have plans to add more in the next year.
I really enjoy your tutorials they are easy to follow. I just started to crochet and I thought I would never get it until I xame across your video
That makes me so happy to hear. Thank you for leaving such a kind comment. It’s an honor. <3