I don’t know what it is about splattered things…

…it just makes it delightfully artsy fartsy!
At first, I experimented with splattering some tapered candles with paint. Turns out most paint is either too flammable, or not flammable enough. Yikes.

Then I eyed my black taper candle next to the whites one and wondered if I could paint with wax instead! Well… it worked!
…mostly… white wax doesn’t show up on a black candles if you were wondering that too. 馃槈
The black showed up beautifully on the white candles though…in an almost a gradient of different grays.

I think this idea would be work in an array of colors too. Just be sure that the candles being “painted” are lighter than the ones doing the splattering. Also…maybe steer clear of red splattered candles except around Halloween. Just saying. 馃槈
- Light colored candles, I used white
- A dark colored candle, I used black*
- Lighter
*Double check that the candle is dyed all the way through. Sometimes white candles are dipped in colored wax and only the outer layer is dyed. You could also use crayons…I haven’t tried that yet but I want to!
I found both my white and black candles at Michael’s.

- Lay your light colored candles down on a protected surface. I used wax paper, but newspaper works fine too. You don’t need to space them out. We will be turning them to get all sides.
- Light the dark colored candle and let it burn until the wax starts dripping.
- Using quick wrist flicks, splatter the dark colored wax across the light colored candles. The wax cools and dries very quickly!
- Turn the light colored candles and repeat the process until you get the look you want. I found that when I waited until a lot of wax had melted, I could achieve darker splatters.
So easy!

I think they would make a fine gift too. Maybe pair them with a candle holder.

Ooh…I think rainbow splatters would be fun for a birthday too. Really pile on the splatters, Jason Pollock style. Maybe use melted crayons? Fun, fun!

My husband said these white and black ones kind of look like birch tree branches from far away. What do you think?

I love this idea!! So beautiful! I wonder if sealing wax would have a similar effect or be too thick 馃
I’m not sure. I would love to find out as well since they have so many colors. If you try it, please let me know! (I may have to try it myself. Thank you for asking!)