Are you ringing in the new year with little ones in tow? I’m in the same boat, so I thought I would round up a few ideas you can whip up by tonight (!) to make the occasion festive and fun without a lot of prep work. Because really? Who’s got the time!?
1. Glow Stick Party – Throw a glow stick dance party in a snap…literally! We have done this a couple of years in a row, and we plan on continuing the tradition tonight because the kids have so much fun with it. We load each other up with glow stick jewelry, turn out all the lights, crank up the kid friendly dance music and get our groove on. It’s a simple twist on our usual everyday dance parties in the kitchen ;). The glow in the dark factor simply amplifies the fun!
2. More glow in the dark fun – Before you get the glow stick party started, consider tossing them in the bath with your littles when they are getting ready for the evening. Then, after the dance party dies down, try making some glow in the dark pictures with them. I share a full how to right HERE. You could also give glow in the dark bowling a try (see HERE), or try a glow in the dark ring toss (see HERE).
3. Make a time capsule – Pretty Providence shares a free printable and a really simple, cute way to make a time capsule with your kids – HERE. All you need is a container (or use an envelope!) and to print out the sheets. So simple! Think of all the fun memories you could make, if you made it a tradition to do this every year and open the previous year’s time capsule.
4. Countdown with activities – If you have been on Pinterest for the last few days you have surely seen posts about count down balloons. Craftabilities has a really fun version HERE. I also shared a similar version for What To Expect’s website a couple of years ago, along with some other ideas (see HERE). I think you could make this as low maintenance or as involved as you choose. You could totally whip this in in 20 minutes. Grab balloons, brown paper bags, envelopes…whatever you have on hand and jot down simple, silly activities on slips of paper. It does not have to be fancy to be fun! Bake cookies, play games, maybe incorporate items already mentioned in this list. You could even add in the boring nightly chores like brushing teeth but add an element of fun to it, like brush your teeth while dancing to your favorite tunes.
5. Host a board game marathon – Pull out your game collection and play games until the ball drops…or until you do. 😉
6. Ring in the New Year…at a kid appropriate hour – If you have really small littles, sometimes they just can’t make it to midnight…or maybe you don’t want them to so you can turn in early too. I swear, I haven’t made it to midnight on New Year’s Eve for the past three (?) years myself. I am totally a night owl and am known for staying up all hours of the night. On NYE though…I am zonked by 11! Whatever the reason, you can ring in the new year when you’re ready, and you don’t even need to frantically search for ball dropping footage on Youtube to show your kids. Netflix has a three minute dance party countdown with the quirky lemur king from the Madagascar movies, King Julien. You can “move it, move it” while you count down to the new year…whenever you decide that is. 😉
Oh yes! And don’t forget party hats and accessories. While you’re out picking up glow sticks, grab some Christmas clearance tinsel garlands too. You can use it to whip up some super quick festive party gear in just minutes. (see here)
What about you? Do you have some fun NYE activities you like to do with your kids too? Please share in the comments! I am always looking to add to my list.
Happy New Year’s!
Great ideas! Thanks!
We’re doing a camp out in the basement complete with tent/blanket fort and S’mores made with marshmallows toasted over sterno.
We’ll also be doing a balloon drop (over the top banister) at our pre-scheduled “Midnight”.
I love these ideas!! Super fun! For the balloon drop, are you dropping water balloons?
your site is so clean and pretty <3
Thank you Clare! <3